Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Girl with Two Fathers!

She has two Fathers in her world. 
They observe and find delight in this girl and cast their love upon her. She abides in the shadow of their wisdom and safety. Upon birth she meets her Father who will raise her and adore and adorn her.

You can see her footprints as she works her life throughout the trails of days and miles. She flitters on the tips of her toes. She dodges the snares. If you look you can see her dance at the amusement of her Daddy. Swirling and jumping her hands moving and her feet prance. She is pure and full of joy. She is fresh and lovely and feels loved and adored. Her smile is broad upon her face. The faithfulness of her two Fathers is her shield.

She runs free as the years accelerate in her youth. She has new growth but still see no danger around her as she trust the world she plays in. Her hair is tousled by the weeds of life and the guardian feathers that cover her. The journey has started to hardened her feet. At times she hides in the trees from her simple disobedience. But she is always loved and wanted. Even if at times the business of her earthly Father has forced a uncomfortable distance. Her other Father is standing quietly along side of her whispering encouragement. 

Age has her yearning to be held close like that of her toddler years. Sometimes the hugs are so healing and other times so distant. Her physical Father has become more occupied by his life events and lack of time together has brought a tear. She has a mixed yearning as she steps out to explore her life. But the Father is there. She is the apple of his eye. 

No trouble can befall her in the quiet place and the light of day as the arrows fly by her. She runs the path of life as she grows. She contemplates her surroundings. The flowers and the butterflies. The smell of sawdust and horses, animals all around her bring her delight. The movement of the trees and the wind around her. She seeks out blue sky and hides under the green branches like a cocoon. The intricacies of creation has her intrigued. She hears the sound of soothing water and birds chirping all around her. She picks up the fruit and sees a mirrored image and know she is the reflection of her Father’s. She turns deep within as it gives her a feeling of safety. Her quietness keeps her alone but also has created a easy fortress that gives her a false hope of security.

Food and nourishment comes in many forms. The guidance she needs is given during these meals and she feels full. The food at the table before her is a great feast that feeds her body but the dessert is the word that quenches the deep rich place.That food stays like a seed planted and gives comfort at the time it’s needed. Her Father’s feed her well and teach her about the enemy. They hope she has ears to hear the truth placed within her above the bustling of the dishes.

In the darkness of her own space danger has approached to test her faith. The darkness that has seeped in has made her sit up in her night hours of where she dwells. Sounds and alarms go off within her as the presence approaches her. The feeling is unseen. What does a little girl’s mind understand about the unseen? The inner scream wants for it to stay in the corner of the room away from her. She can not cry out in the night. She is frozen in her bed. Her sleep in this quiet space wants so badly to come. Even the night light cast shadows. The shadow she imagines stalks her room. The beauty of this girl is not harmed but protected by the unseen angelic guard. The dark presence is pushed back and sleep comes again. She is protected by her Father that guards her.  She remembers the words spoken that 10,000 will fall at her right hand that guard her as she drifts off. In the morning she forgets about the terror of the night.

Journey’s broaden and her earthly Father get about his work. Growth and age brings security that all is well with his daughter. But the heavenly Father’s always stays on guard close with love. All encompassing love. For some reason the daughter also pushes back as she enters the open meadow. Her feet run from path to path. Distance feels like an intriguing call with her name pulling her. Free will comes forth!  She is too young to understand. Once more as she runs she goes faster and faster. Further from safety of both Father’s care. The trees are thick in the orchard. So many open possibilities. In her hunger the fruit draws her and she choose’s to eat it.  She is much like Eve as she listens to a voice that leads her astray. Her father’s motion to her but they allow her free will to drive her. The paths she chooses takes her away. But she is still loved and watched over.

As she grows her choices betray her and birth curses. Truth is imprisoned deep within her fortress. Weeds have grown tall. Her path and her feet are shackled. She works hard to hear the message she is loved and wanted. She does not understand the things that hurt. She forgets her Father’s names as she grows into independence. She believes they abandoned her and many messages feed her lies. She feels she has no value as the world spins. The distant has her Fathers watching the refined moments that tear and sear her.  When is the pain so great she seeks relief? When is the independence and rebellion ready to be submitted?

What she feels is her new freedom from life bondages has her head turning. Her body is starting to ache from the fast run.  She looks around the vast forest for her Father and falls on her knees  As she touches the earth the sound of soothing water quiets her as she remembered what peace felt like. She is drawn to a stream and makes her way to the refreshment of living waters. She rejoices as she finds her Father awaiting her in the cool of the day. The fine sand feels so good upon her feet as she enters the water. The once chosen rocky path breaks free. She hears her Father voice as she comes out of the deep and feels freedom. Cleansing love has broken through. Nothing can separate her from this Father. Good gifts are there and coming. She is washed clean in the flow of the water. She steps back on her path as she rejoices in becoming unshackled by her choices. Her dancing feet return, set free from all that held her down.

In life God has given us our earthly Father to care and provide tangible love and comfort. They teach us the way on this earth. I am ever so thankful for my Dad who has loved me. Encouraged me. And prayed for me the desires of the heart that his heavenly father has shown him for me. I celebrate the journey and the times I needed and felt his love and the times he allowed me to journey alone and grow into the woman I have become. 

But the God of the Universe, whom I call my Abba Father, is the one I now spiritually grow and journey with as my earthly Fathers life enters into his latter years. I look for the leading and prompting of the power and direction of this Father, who created me in the dark secret place. I rejoice that on this day I have been gifted with two Fathers!

The bread and the wine fill my deep hunger all in one meal. The overflow will bring needed peace and I will walk and call upon his hand to guide me in my present journey. He opens my blessings and brings the sun and the rain to fall. He also shows his promises to me in his rainbow as he wills!

Do you know my Abba Father? 

He is the lover of my soul!

He brings me eternity!

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